The Creative's Business Bundle is your step - by - step guide to align your creative vision, build an unique brand and joyfully sell your art. It has been designed for coaches, speakers, performers, writers, facilitators and budding entrepreneurs that want to make their creative dream a reality.
With six modules of content and bonus material I regularly add to, you have lifetime access to videos, worksheets, blogs and spreadsheets to go back to whenever you are going back to the fundamentals to launch a new product or service.

Success Story

I think I learned more in these past two months then I did in my whole marketing business course.
Clare is truly a powerhouse and is deeply passionate and excited to see you thrive.
She has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to heart centred marketing and is deliciously generous with her videos and worksheets. Her work is a gorgeous blend of pragmatic meets soul. This course has been invaluable in sparking my confidence and reigniting my passion.
Shoshana Sadia
Poet, Performer & Feminine Embodiment Mentor
hi, I'm Clare Elizabeth Dea
I'm a performance artist, speaker, writer and creative mentor. I love empowering people who are committed to living their best life, honing their craft and creating an impact in the world with their authentic expression.
'The Creative's Business Bundle is an online program I have created from over 20 years of marketing experience in the entertainment, personal development and health/wellness industries.
It is designed to help you thrive as a creative. To build a captivating brand, electric content and confidence to slay business with a combination of spirituality and practicality.
It's for holistic and passionate artists including performers, writers, speakers, coaches, teachers, healers and budding entrepreneurs.

Success Story

"In 2019, I worked with Clare Elizabeth Dea. What an amazing journey it has been! Clare’s open-hearted and authentic communication style resonated with me from the start. She wears her heart on her sleeve and is a shining example of someone fully being and expressing themselves. She is a gifted mentor and has a way of getting the message through in a fun and inspiring way. She has helped me in so many ways it’s hard to concisely express. One of the massive takeaways was getting clarity on my purpose and vision, while also helping me to shift a lot of my own limiting beliefs and develop the courage and the confidence to start putting myself out there. Thank you so much Clare for all the support, wisdom and love you have given us! It is clear you have found your calling in life, and I know you will continue to massively transform the lives of all you work with."
Lucy Graham - Songwriter and Singer
For those of you who want to
make your creative dreams a reality
* Writers
* Speakers
* Singers
* Coaches
* Comedians
* Facilitators
* Poets
* Teachers
* Entrepreneurs

Success Story

Working with Clare has been very beneficial for my healing practice. Her passion and knowledge come through an abundant amount of information and unique resources. Her communication is clear and beautifully structured, making every block of content an exciting area of growth. Her embodied approach has helped me to move from my head into my felt sense to make a deeper connection to my self and better decision for my business.
Alexandra Garrido - Holistic Emotional Healer & Artist
F A Q ' S
2. I have so many different passions and talents and confused where to put my focus and what to create?
2. I have so many different passions and talents and confused where to put my focus and what to create?
This is about 50% of my clients. They are multi passionate and talented. Great, I'm the queen of helping creatives integrate their skills and launch products and services that are from the depth of their soul, using all of who they are.
3. How many hours per week should I dedicate to the course?
3. How many hours per week should I dedicate to the course?
If you want to finish the course in 10 weeks, I highly suggest you put aside 3 - 4 hours a week aside to watch the video content and answer the worksheets. However, if you get behind, you have the content for 9 months.
4. The thought of investing in this course makes me feel resistance and nervous, what should I do?
4. The thought of investing in this course makes me feel resistance and nervous, what should I do?
Perfectly normal. This could be for several reasons. You have a feeling this course is exactly what you need and fear is setting in because you know you will need to change to be the person you want to become.
If it is around money and you can't afford $50 a week, which is payment plan options, I highly encourage you not to enroll into the course until you have the money. I don't want you to go into debt to do this course.
If you can afford the course and you feel a resonance with the content and testimonials, amazing. Lets make this happen. Resistance is normal and I will happily hold your hand through the process. I still feel nervous every time I am going to do something I'm called to do. It's because it means something specific to us and we want to do well.
5. I'm already quite successful, have a business, work as
an artist, will this help me elevate my brand?
5. I'm already quite successful, have a business, work as
an artist, will this help me elevate my brand?
Yes, absolutely. I still use the 10 core module questions when I'm creating a new project and I've been working in the industry for 20 years! I always say a mentor should be someone who has achieved something you are wanting to create in your own life. I have run two successful businesses, The Victorian Dance Studio and Meisner Melbourne, I have had an online talk show 'The Actors Process,' published a book, produced many theater shows and about to launch an album with video clips. Not to mention I have mentored over 1000 creatives in the past 20 years! If this experience could help you, I would love to work with you.
6. I work full time, what if I don't have time to finish the modules in 10 weeks?
6. I work full time, what if I don't have time to finish the modules in 10 weeks?
If you want to finish the course quickly and get results straight away I recommend 3 - 4 hours a week spending on the training. However, you have the course content for 9 months, so if you are busy you can do the course at your own pace.
7. I am confused and not got any clarity on what I want to create or launch into the world. Is this online journey for
7. I am confused and not got any clarity on what I want to create or launch into the world. Is this online journey for
The first module is called 'Aligning Your Creative Vision.' It is to help you gain clarity. Also know that confusion always comes before clarity, so you could be very close to knowing what you want to create. The other modules throughout the course also have stories, information and questions that will help you get more clear.
8. Is there a refund option if I don't like the course?
8. Is there a refund option if I don't like the course?
After trailing the program, I had extremely positive feedback from a range of creatives. Coaches, writers, performing artists, speakers and budding entrepreneurs. I also feel the price of the cost is very reasonable for how much content and support I offer. So sorry, there are no refunds for this course.
9. I prefer training one to one or in person, will this
course work for me?
9. I prefer training one to one or in person, will this
course work for me?
I hear you. I love in person workshops and one to one training as well. I do offer one on one services to compliment the training if you choose. If you 100% don't like online content, this is probably not the course for you. However, the benefits of online training is you can do it from home in your own timing so if you are sick or unfocussed one week, you can catch up. The other benefit is I can help people all around the world. If you value the content and you feel I could help you, I would love to work with you.
10. What exactly is Impact and what do I get?
10. What exactly is Impact and what do I get?
Impact is a 10 week online course to help you build your brand and launch your dream projects into the world. You receive 10 modules of video training. Each video is approximately one hour long and you receive worksheets to answer at your own time. There is a Facebook group where I do live Q and A to answer your questions and give bonus content. You also get a social media pod and meditations as bonus tools to help your progress.
11. You sound quite 'spiritual.' I'm not into 'woo woo' stuff. Will this training work for me?
11. You sound quite 'spiritual.' I'm not into 'woo woo' stuff. Will this training work for me?
I am spiritual and I do believe in a creative intelligence. I will not push you, however encourage you if it feels good to find your own spiritual connection. Even if that for you is taking a walk in nature, taking time with your family. My passion is helping you create a life and career that is in alignment with your values and passions. If spirituality isn't a value of yours, I may not be the best mentor for you, however we may also challenge each other and be the perfect fit. I believe if you are willing to be open and do the work, anything is possible.
12. How about my privacy?
12. How about my privacy?
There is a secret Facebook Group where you can share as much or little as you wish. I ask everyone in the group to keep the space confidential and I will not share any of your content with others. I do have one person working for me behind the scenes who is also part of the Facebook Group, however they don't watch the videos, they are just there for an emergency situation and I can't be online. However, it is true that Facebook will own the Facebook Page and they do whatever they do with the content. It also means we could lose the content at anytime from that page. Which is why I also put the videos onto the VIP membership site. If you 100% don't want your name associated with the program or scared of Facebook knowing you are there, please just don't comment or interact in the group.

Video training, worksheets, blogs and spreadsheets on the following topics
Aligning Your Creative Vision
Through a range of questions and exercises delving into your imagination, you will gain more clarity with what you are working towards. We will then look at a range of goal setting tools so you can transform your dream vision into a reality.
Inspired Leadership
We will look at what is holding you back from fully stepping into your dream life and career. From here, we will look at what your brand stands for and what authentic leadership looks like for you.
Making Money Sexy
Creating a budget for your creative dream. Spreadsheets and tracking devises are added to help you manage your personal finances.
Unique Branding
Throughout the training, you will discover what is your authentic and unique offering and how you want to be known in your industry. You want to create a positive reputation for your talent/service/product. Most importantly, be the person your ideal audience /director/community trusts, aligns with and raves to others about.
Captivating Marketing
What is marketing? No it is not selling, it is attracting your ideal client to you to introduce them to your brand. Sharing stories, giving value. Together we explore the different ways to draw your audience towards you. We will also look at you focusing on creating a buzz around your brand by creating a 'marketing show.' What do I mean about that? Join me and I'll share the secret sauce that a lot of creatives don't know.
The Craft Of Social Media
A range of blogs with tips and tricks to help you build your FB and Instagram.
Electric Story Telling & Viral Videos
Sharing quality video content with your audience on You Tube and social media platforms is a fantastic way to build relationships and an excellent reputation. We will look at 'The Art Of Storytelling' and creating captivating content, so you can market yourself with inspiring and entertaining material.
Soulful Selling
When you are fully aligned with your product or service, selling actually becomes a fun process. Asking someone to give you money to experience a transformation, a positive change in their life, an entertaining night out. When we get our vision and brand in alignment with our soul's calling and have a healthy relationship with money, watch the $ happily come into your account. Together we will look at what you are selling, pricing and other strategies to make selling a spiritual practice.
Powerful Publicity
When you are getting closer to launching your new album, book, course, show, business you want to create a 'launch party' or something of a similar nature that is true to you. Around this time you want to start attracting in the media to build up your brand. The course includes all the questions you need to answer before approaching a publicist or the media. Also I have interviewed my publicist for you, answering FAQ's.
Launch Time
So you may or may not be ready to launch a new product or service yet, however we want to make sure you are prepared for when you are.

Success Story

I recently worked with Clare Elizabeth Dea over a six month period and it is without a doubt one of the most transformative learning experiences I have been a part of.
Clare is a tremendous facilitator who walks the walk and leads with love. Her ability to find the voice inside of you and to amplify this is second to none. You are at a crossroads now. Imagine a world where you reach the potential you know you have deep inside you. Clare will help you get there but be prepared to do the work!
Steve Brophy - Writer and Teacher

Clare Elizabeth Dea is a dynamic influencer working internationally as a performance artist, speaker and writer. She loves helping others align their vision, build an unique brand and live their soul's path. Extremely passionate about authentic expression, storytelling and connection, audiences are captivated by her presence and ability to move them deeply.
Working officially from the age of 16 in the Entertainment Industry, Clare started wearing a lot of masks on and off the stage. Hiding from the world that she was born with Poland's Syndrome, a rare congenital condition where her left hand side of her body is smaller than her right. Born without her left pec, her left breast never developed as a teenager. She was so ashamed of her body, she kept it a secret for many years.
In 2014, after a lot of soul searching, psychotherapy and personal development, she courageously shared her story publicly in memoir 'The One Breast Goddess - Transforming Shame Into Beauty.' This led to many interviews and speaking opportunities about owning your authentic voice, including an invitation from Tedx.
Also passionate about helping other creatives shine, Clare's entrepreneurial spirit led her to open various businesses including the 'Victorian Dance Studio,' holistic acting school 'Meisner Melbourne' and online talk show 'The Actor's Process.' This led her to be nominated for Telstra Business Woman Of The Year.
In 2018, she launched her first transformational theatrical experience 'Dropping The Mask.' A One Woman show with live band. A sold out season and rave reviews, Clare was inspired to create a new show to tour the world.
In September 2019, Clare launched a new show 'Devil Woman' at The Melbourne Fringe Festival. Delving into her story of having Poland's Syndrome in a comedy cabaret. Media caught onto her story and she started receiving publicity all over Australia. Channel 10, The Guardian, Herald Sun, Channel 9 Honey, The News Daily, The Melbourne Explorer all featuring her story. Then American Company 'Hasttag Stories' saw her story and together they crafted a video about her show, which received over 1 million hits in the first 24 hours.
Late 2019, a film that she starred in ‘Bodies’ played in Hollywood and New York at NYC Doc Fest. She also performed her original songs and inspirational comedy at 'Hello There's' event ‘Get Hacked, Get Hi’ and 'Second Story Studio's' event ‘Big Love Festival.’
She is currently touring around Australia her new show 'The Spiritual Love Guru.'
Clare is available to speak, perform or MC your next event. She also has a range of online courses to help creatives build their brand and live an abundant life. Feel free to contact Clare's team to discuss the possibility of working together.